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The Second Wound Blog

Speaking Up Can Be Messy

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The young woman behind the counter at Sunglass Hut did not deserve my wrath. Unfortunately, I only realized this days after I’d stalked out of the shiny store in a…

Leave Room for Hope

| Self Help | 17 Comments
It's been a while since I've written a blog entry or published a podcast. The reason for this, simply put, is that I decided to direct my focus inward for…

7 Ways Friends & Family Revictimize Sexual Abuse Survivors

| Uncategorized | 10 Comments
Twenty-five years ago when I first disclosed that I had been sexually abused as a child, I could not have known it would mark the beginning of a long, confusing…

Stop Asking Sexual Crime Victims to Explain Their Behaviors

| Article | 6 Comments
Rowena Chiu gets asked the question by journalists regularly. “Why did you agree to meet with Harvey Weinstein in his hotel room?” The answer, to anyone who knows the context,…

A Troubled History

| Article | No Comments
Raising a teenager is hard. Being a teen is even harder. Many, if not most, kids at some point in their teenage years will struggle emotionally, act out unpleasantly, and…

The Sixth Sense Effect

| Article | 2 Comments
I call it the “sixth sense effect”. Once you wake up to the realization that a relationship has been abusive, you replay the scenes of your life with that person…

The Brave Women Behind The Keepers

| Article | 2 Comments
It took me five years to get up the nerve to watch The Keepers. I knew enough about the critically acclaimed 2017 docuseries, and the web of crimes it revealed,…

A Hero in Plain Sight

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Kirsten wants you to know that her daughter, Annie, is a hero. That’s the real story, the one that doesn't get told enough. Kirsten knows how kind and moral her…

Making Change from Inside

| Article | One Comment
My advanced copy of CHOSEN: A Memoir of Stolen Boyhood arrived on my front stoop on a recent Friday afternoon. By Sunday morning I had read all 318 pages. I’d…

Flashbacks, Fragments & Facing Trauma

| Uncategorized | One Comment
“I think something bad happened to me.” These were Chandra Moyer’s words to her husband after she was suddenly hit with frightening flashbacks at the age of 37. In the…

Scapegoats are the Strong Ones

| Family, Self Help | 16 Comments
Being stuck in the role of the scapegoat is a lonely experience. Your place in the group never really feels secure. You live with a constant sense of being blamed…

It’s Never Too Late

| Article | 2 Comments
Who made the world? Who made the swan, and the black bear? Who made the grasshopper? This grasshopper, I mean— the one who has flung herself out of the grass,…

Maddie & Me

| Article | 5 Comments
“What do you have to lose?”, her partner asked. Maddie Morris had been thinking about contacting me for a while. She wanted to say she’d been comforted by the podcast…

Dylan Farrow Waited a Long Time to Be Heard

| Uncategorized | 2 Comments
When the newest issue of New York Magazine arrived in my mailbox last week, it didn’t take long for me to flip to the back page and peruse the “Approval…

Grateful for What I Know

| Uncategorized | 2 Comments
It’s American Thanksgiving today. In the midst of the bustle of holiday prep, I have survivors on my mind; those, like me who are estranged from their families. Whatever the…

No Room for Error – Keeping Kids Safe from Sexual Abuse

| Article, Family | No Comments
“They would never do that.” These are dangerous words when spoken in response to concerns about potential sexual abusers. And yet, I regularly hear stories about people answering this way…

Take A Side Against Sexual Abuse in the Family

| Family | One Comment
Growing up in Second Wound families, I think many survivors learn to take what they can get. They are taught not to ask for much. And they don't dare complain…

A Perfect Shame

| Self Help | No Comments
Perfectionism is a familiar affliction for survivors.  So many of us strive to achieve top grades and performance reviews, to dress just right for every occasion, and master the social…

A Safe Way for Survivors to Stop Repeat Offenders

| Article | No Comments
What if we lived in a world where victims of sexual assault, abuse, and harassment felt free to speak up? What if they were treated kindly, and almost always believed? What…

Fear, Loss, & the Grocery Store

| Article | No Comments
The following is adapted from a bonus Truth & Consequences podcast episode recorded during the Covid-19 quarantine. I'm posting it here because it addresses retraumatization and the resurfacing of past…

Sexual Violence Is Only the ‘First Wound’

| Article, Self Help | 10 Comments
You might think, being a victim of sexual abuse or assault, it is the experience that affects survivors the most, causes the most damage in our lives, and has the…

Healing Begins with Connection (as seen in The Mighty)

| Self Help | No Comments
There is no substitute for feeling heard, understood, and cared for. These are the gifts of human connection, an integral component of where healing begins from the trauma of sexual…

Parenting with a Limited Road Map

| Self Help | No Comments
There have been many points during my parenting journey when I wished I could fall back on what I’d learned from my own mom and dad, to recall how they’d…

Dear Second Wound, I Am a Survivor of Sexual Abuse. Why Wasn’t I Believed?

| Self Help | One Comment
Dear Survivors, You 100% deserve to be believed. Though it’s nearly impossible to gather accurate statistics on false reporting of sexual abuse, we do know that it’s rare. If we…

Reasons Family Members Side with Sexual Abusers

| Self Help | 6 Comments
Living with the emotional effects of sexual abuse is painful enough. Unfortunately, many survivors open up about their abuse only to find that their family members’ reactions toward them are…

An Open Letter to Messengers of Estranged Relatives (As seen on Elephant Journal)

| Self Help | One Comment
Becoming estranged from a relative is a sad and difficult decision, one that is usually made with grave consideration and based on the belief that the emotional cost of continuing…